Sunday, August 21, 2011


SO, long story short I dated my friend's ex.
Was it stupid? yeah.
WAS It educational? yeah.
Was it worth it? hell no
I dont know what i was thinking, honestly. But it happened. NOthing else to say

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ok, so did I hope?
Yeah, yeah I did.
I've always sorta known him, but we've never been close. And than two days ago he chatted me, and we ended up chatting for two days straight. Literally.
He is a GREAT friend, and I kinda hoped it would staythat way. And than Eliza found ot, and wenall freaky friend on me, and hacked into my ITouch and messed around with my facebook, and read my chats with him
I mean, wat kind of friend does that????
NOw he'll think I"m some pycho freak and hes not answering my messages.
Thanks a lot Eliza.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011


Cocnut's my guinea pig. I got him as a 10th birthday present. Right now hes downstairs in his cage in the kitchen, barely moving. He wont stand up, hes all slumped on the ground, hes not breathing right, and he hasnt eaten. THere's not enough poop and he might not make it through the night.
God, Apollo, Air, I really dont care.
Whatevers up there, let my guinea pig live. He's not even three years old yet.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Hunger Games Countdown Widget

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Thursday, July 14, 2011


  Found out that Evan, my only guy friend in the world, likes me-- again. I feel sorry for the kid, really, but I'm confident he'll be off to another girl in a few weeks, just like last time. Except last time he moved on to my best friend. Who hed never talked to once. Ever.
Yeah I gave him fair warning this time.
Good luck, Evan


hey I figured out what I needed today.